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Holistic health + wellness counselling is an approach where we look at the whole person as a unique individual, and taking into account every area of their life that has an overall effect on their total health and well being. If one area is out of balance, we have to address the root cause and ask why? 

Change is inevitable, we are constantly growing and evolving - but at times life changes can be challenging and overwhelming, if not equipped with the right tools to manage them. If you are at a stage in your life where you are either experiencing a serious life change or seeking to make a change in your health and life, working with a wellness counsellor can be the guidance, accountability you need to see you through this process with the right support. With the goal of finding balance and harmony in your body and in your life.


  • 1 month intensive: 4 x in-person sessions including, conscious cooking classes, kitchen + pantry overhaul, home environment assessment + mindfulness lifestyle activation sessions.

  • 3 month program:  4 x 60 min zoom calls per month, following through the 7 steps to holistic wellness coaching program, unlimited support via email, recipes, homework, worksheets + applied practices.

  • 6 month program - 4 x 60 min zoom calls per month, following through the 12 steps to holistic wellness coaching program, unlimited support via email, recipes, homework, worksheets + applied practices.